Example of synchronicity

Three days ago on Friday, I called to book an appointment for my husband at his favourite salon. It was nearing the end of our circuit breaker and he had gone without a haircut for two months. We had never been able to get a booking the same day and usually we got a slot only two weeks in advance.

So I called and she was available in the evening 6pm. Later I heard from husband that before I called, a customer on Saturday morning cancelled the booking, the original 6pm Friday customer shifted his haircut to Saturday morning instead, and when he arrived, the 5.30pm customer came early at 5pm and left. All which freed up Friday 6pm when husband showed up at the salon he was the only customer before the salon’s closing time. Thumbs up for the power of synchronicity.

In case you were wondering, there was nothing special about the appointment nor was I hoping very much to get it. It was an ordinary activity and it just happened.

Sickness and Renewal

Just recovered better from a fever, flu and cough that seemingly came all at once. It lasted three days. When you are sick, it is as if all time and activity stops moving for you. I was asking myself (or rather hubby) these few days why I fell sick. Or rather physically I knew I fell sick due to dehydration. But why was there a lack of motivation to get well such that it lasted three days.

Blessings came today when I recovered and realised it helped me with another problem I was facing. Last week I was asking myself yet another question. Why was I unable to muster feelings of gratitude when I uttered my affirmations? The feelings of gratitude returned together with my senses, energy and well-being. To come up, I had to first reach the bottom.

Law of Attraction – Letting Go of Outcomes & Good Things Come in Pairs

There was a small incident that helped me understand better the phrase; “letting go of outcomes”. My hubby and I play Battlecats on the phone, where one of the game aspects was a gachapon (random character generator) to gain strong creatures for your army. The best types had a rare win rate, about 5%. So there was one character which hubby had been wanting for very long and every time he had a gachapon ticket he would ask me to click the gachapon with my “lucky” hands, to which we always hype ourselves up in anticipation before pressing the button, to no avail. One day as usual, I clicked his gachapon like how I always do, which failed. And then as I also had a ticket; I clicked for my own without expectations. Instead, I received the character he wanted.

Often, I feel that in Law of Attraction, things come to you at times when you least expect it. Such as in the case with the gachapon and landing my previous job.

Another strange phenomena in my job searches is that despite conscientiously sending out applications, the phone might not ring for months on end, yet when one company finally calls you for an interview, usually a second one will come around on the tail of your first one. So you might suddenly find yourself busy with two interviews held in the same week when for months all was quiet. So yea, good things come in pairs and for job seekers, be more open in the positions you apply for unless you have already narrowed down the suitability and go interviewing! I am pretty sure once you start, more interviews will come to you and higher chances of being hired. Most importantly, keep up with your Law of Attraction efforts even though there is no apparent reaction.

Spiritual Ways to Cheer Yourself Up when Feeling Down

In between the spectrum of emotions from dark, nameless fear to unbounded happiness, there lies an emotion or rather loss of emotion called numbness to life. It can be brought on as an aftereffect from life events such as bankruptcy, loss of loved ones, mid-life crisis or as in my case, job loss. Sometimes, you gather the courage to live again after a good cry, forgive the people you need to forgive, let go of the baggage you need to let go or have a good talk with people who care about you. Other times, nothing dramatic happens in your life and you look for change and yet nothing is happening and daily living starts to feel stagnant. It can feel like you’ve reached a never-ending plateau; like the straight line of a heartbeat monitor with no heartbeat.

If you are having strong, churning emotions that overwhelm you, my other post (“How to Deal with Sudden Overwhelming Feelings of Dread, Anxiety or Doom for the Sensitive Person“) might help as well.

There are some methods which I have used to at least prevent yourself from spiralling down into hopelessness or depression. Unless the human has an optimistic tendency, which in this case he/she does not need to read this post, negative thoughts and doubts usually creep in when there is inactivity for a long period of time. Therefore if you are experiencing this right now, do note it requires some action and perseverance to maintain a routine of whatever-works-for-you until your circumstances or mood changes for the better. Although these are recommended for people who are into spirituality, anyone who is open (or desperate) enough can give these a try.

Prayers Affirmations Visualisations

I can’t stress the importance of these. You probably find it hard to even do the basic stuff to keep your life running such as eating, buying groceries, household chores etc. Even if you don’t feel like even moving from your bed, have a paper scribbled with a prayer/affirmation that you can recite and keep it under your pillow. It requires the least brainpower and calories to do. If you have the energy to lift and look at your phone, that will be more than enough energy to lift and read a piece of paper.

For those who are new to this, let me try to describe the difference between prayers and affirmations. Prayers are statements addressed to the divine requesting for their help in whatever areas you seek help for. You find plenty of these in religious texts and they usually start with “Dear _____, (insert the higher entity that corresponds to your beliefs) “. Affirmations are statements addressed to yourself that bring about positive states in whatever areas you seek change in. You can just write your own. A simple example would be: “I am healthy and well” or “I have wonderful financial abundance”. Most importantly they have to be statements that you can believe in. So if they are too much of a stretch, start small with statements like, “I am healing” or “I am having financial abundance come my way”. You can find some examples from new age/ self-help books, Steve Pavlina‘s website or Kryon channelings. For the last one, unless you plan to start listening to their audio recordings, it is dispersed everywhere…

As of visualisations, it really is just daydreaming, albeit daydreaming in more detail and with sustained concentration.


This helps to clear the clutter in the head. Write anything that comes up. It’s your journal. I have old resentments, old hurt feelings and frustrations that resurface in my memory even when I thought I had let go. Even though I won’t be able to forgive some of the people involved, writing out my feelings helps me to let go of the incident itself and prevents it from churning in my head.


Listen to music that resonates with your mood. Recently came upon this genre called “Chill”

Being Closer to the Divine

Do whatever that brings you closer to God. For some it could be walking in nature, climbing mountains, being near water, creating art or spending time with a child. For me it feels like God in the clouds and angels in a candle flame, so lighting a candle or staring at a large expanse of sky calms me.

Online Tarot Cards iChing Angel Card Readings

Rather than using them as an accurate divination tool, I usually use their messages as a tool for hope and keep those that resonate. Even with just holding the question in your mind without typing them out, I am sometimes simply amazed at the results. Take care not to view these results too seriously.

Here are my favourite sites. The standard online readings are free.

New Age Store

Trusted Tarot

iChing Online

Angel Messenger

Listen to your Urges

When I am in such a mood, I lose the enthusiasm for things I used to enjoy. Hence if there is one that actually comes up and is reasonably doable, rather than dismiss it I give it more attention and try to allow myself to it. I stopped craving for food and places to go to, but allowed myself to window shop and buy some clothes when I loved them. Because I was in a lull mood and low energy, it didn’t bring me into extreme spending although I did spend more than what I was comfortable with. I got tired after several trips to the malls. Because I followed and fulfilled this rare spate of enthusiasm, it died down after two months. If not I suspect holding back might grow it into obsessive addiction and then more guilt spending.

Be Aware of your Feelings

Related to the point above. Because I have the time to, I was paying more attention to my feelings. So I noticed what made me feel good. While I am at home, I feel a huge resistance to going out of the house and when I listened to my “feels”, it tells me to stay home. Yet when I am actually forced to go outside, I get a slightly positive feeling in my gut. Hence which one is really accurate and true? I am not sure. But because I noticed that I feel bit better being outside, I would make an effort to go out of the house even though I require a deliberate push on myself to overcome the inertia.

Stay Present. Handle the Important Things that Come Up

Also related to point above. In this period, you have low energy and anything that distracts you away from yourself will seem frustrating. In the past I would turn down anything that required energy on my part. That includes weddings, gatherings, helping people out etc. Turn down the people who are taking your energy without anything in return and the unimportant people. Save your energy for the people who truly need your presence. That means loved ones and close friends who really need your help, no matter how hopeless you feel that day. There is only this life to live and let the frustrations flow aside for a while as you give your attention to the present – the loved one who genuinely needs you now. You may find that these events were perhaps meant to help you out of this sludge of despair, if only you chose to take action.

Update 27 Feb 2018 : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLlIF0DEBJc0oJZ4gLipPbg/featured

I’ve been listening to these Reiki videos and the music is simply calming and mood changing.


Last but not least, trust that you have come to Earth for a reason. And just as the Earth has its cycles, this phase will pass.


Sharing Kryon

When people ask me what do I do in my free time, I seldom tell them the whole truth. The truth usually consists of an assortment of activities such as trying to incorporate spiritual habits such as Reiki, prayer, affirmations, journalling into a Singaporean work-and-no-play culture. Usually what happens is that I would have established quite a good rhythm when I am out of work but work comes along and competes with all other priorities I have, taking up a good 12 hour chunk each day.

And then I also listen to channellings by Lee Caroll. He channels messages from Kryon. Despite tuning into Kryon channellings for many years, like since 2012(?), I rarely recommend friends to these channellings. For one thing it is already hard to describe who or what Kryon is. Kryon is neither a he/she, but I like to refer as a “he”. If you listen to the messages, he often says he is part of a soup of energy, and has never been a human before. He is neither an angel nor God and also part of God.

I would also have to explain what is channeling and at the same time change the negative perceptions of channeling that most people have. My earliest understanding came from seances, where the medium channeled spirits using his/her body as a vessel for the spirit to come through. And that doesn’t sound very good in the first place.

Then third would be the authenticity of the channeling. Even for readings where the readers pick up messages from your aura or guides, it gets filtered through the reader’s and their bias. Sometimes they simply misinterpret what is being given to them. Despite trusting the source that is Kryon from the other side of the veil, my inner critic usually stays beside me and I choose to accept only the information that is acceptable to me.

Yet towards the end of last year, I heard this and thought it contains useful information for anyone who hears it and also make a fine example of why I continue to listen.

Nov 18-19, 2017 “The way Fear works”

Sometimes there are guest channellers who take up the first few minutes to give their channelling or meditation. Hence Kryon starts only after 2 mins 24 secs for this one, with his signature opening: “Greetings, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.”

To add on, he doesn’t give personal readings and usually addresses a group. I am also unable to verify the accuracy of his messages unless I transcribe all of his audios starting from 2002 to compare with the present. So, why do I continue to listen all these years?

Usually, I play the audio and do something else at the same time, say having breakfast. Yet there was one time when I listened on the bus, purely listening without other thoughts and there I heard Lee (the human) laughed while channeling Kryon. I felt a tingle down my back and heard it as it is.. loving kindness emanating from his laughter. That was what I felt, messages given out of love to encourage and give hope for the future.

Try it, and hope you may find solace as I do.

The rest of his audio can be found here: http://www.kryon.com/k_freeaudio.html


Maybe my Affirmations Manifested

I used to stroll along the Singapore River with my husband (then boyfriend) and take in the view of towering commercial buildings lined closely against each other. Most had prestigious banking signs shining at the top of most buildings. During those times I frequently pointed to those buildings across the river and asked, “How do you think it feels to work in one of those?” To which he would sometimes answer with an “I don’t know”and sometimes not.

And then maybe it was ten years later or lesser, I finally had the chance to work in one of these buildings and be part of the office masses in the financial district. The idle soul stopped being idle for a while and was working long hours at a 9-to-9 job.

The office had sophisticated decor and had a million-dollar view of the sea blocked only by Marina Bay Sands, and for the first time I felt a genuine exhilaration at a job that actually came quite close to my affirmation – which was to have a wonderful job with a wonderful pay (this is subjective), beautiful surroundings and to utilise my strengths (doing routine, systematic work). In addition, I was even working with inventory (albeit holdings which are non-physical assets) which was the type of work I loved to do in my previous jobs.. I’d make sure that inventory was in their right place and there were sufficient units to cope with demand. Also the team was small and made up of introverts. For the most part, I lunched freely and alone. In short, it was the ideal job.

The only thing was.. the work didn’t make my heart sing with joy. Even though I like doing that scope of work, it wasn’t giving me joy like I thought it will. And within a short period of time, the drudgery of work, challenges and long hours took its toll over the initial exhilaration.

Currently, it’s pretty clear where I ended up. And am trying to pick myself up again after a period of mild depression to generate another affirmation. But if I evaluated the situation then, I think my affirmation did work after all even though it took a loooong time and sustained effort, not to mention choosing foolish faith over logical doubt.  You might think it would be easier for me to revise my affirmation and try again; or that my faith would be stronger with this result. It doesn’t, not until I clear this lingering sense of failure.

My takeaway is that

  1. Affirmations do give you what you ask for especially when you have defined the parameters e.g. beautiful workplace, and sometimes even more ie. working with units of inventory in a financial institution, which wasn’t in my affirmation but made the position even more ideal, and also having an introverted team helped.
  2. Affirmations do not prevent the challenges that comes with the position. I still faced the usual long working hours, people problems, authority problems etc. (Hmm, maybe if you add it into your affirmation to clear these..)
  3.  I think the joy factor is really the deal sealer. For my case, if you read some articles on Myer-Briggs, the type of work I affirmed to do did not utilise my auxiliary function, which is what I was really supposed to develop in my work.

So this time round, let me try again – to recite my affirmations out loud once a day (or if you’re like me having problems sticking to a fixed routine, then every other day when you remember, just that the time of manifestation might vary). It will be another period of uncertainty and maintaining that blind faith. And if there are results you can bet it will be fodder for another post. Till then, may your wishes come true.

How to Deal with Sudden Overwhelming Feelings of Dread, Anxiety or Doom for the Sensitive Person

Recently I had a friend who messaged saying he suddenly had a strong wave of negative emotion like something bad was going to happen. It was the end of the workday for him and he was driving home. He is a sensitive person but also a well-balanced, functioning human being.

So I asked him some questions to bring some awareness to the emotion he was feeling. Perhaps if you are feeling the same you might want to check in with the following:

1. Are there any negative events whose emotions were unprocessed?

Did you quarrel with someone in the day and then repressed the embarrassment and anger you felt in order to continue your day? Did you feel shortchanged by someone who perhaps cut your queue or tailgated while you were driving but you let it pass so as not to “blow a small matter up”? Or maybe during lunch you were sitting beside a customer who was ranting on and on about a co-worker.

A sensitive person tends to hold these emotions somewhere in their body if they were unprocessed, even if they were forgotten from the conscious mind. For me, it helps if I could sit down immediately to process the event. On retrospect if it was a really small event (compared to the big issues in life) such as having someone snatch your seat on the train or refused to give way at the entrance of the mall, you could practice letting it go and focus on the important things in life. If the event is something recurring, such as a toxic family member that you have to face again the next day, you would have to visualise cutting energy cords between yourself and the toxic person. If it was an incident that caused considerable damage to you mentally, spiritually, physically or otherwise, say being shouted at from a stranger in public without any apology, you would also require some time to re-imagine the event in your mind and reframe the situation in another way to lessen its impact on you.

If left unprocessed, you might have sudden residual feelings that seem to come out of nowhere but was really your subconscious bringing them up to be processed and flushed out of energy.

2. Did you encounter any negative entities?

Ok this is more to the woo-woo part but it happens to apply to friends who encounter entities from the other dimension from time to time. I mean, ghosts. Even though people like you and I can’t see them, the spiritually sensitive also do not see them all the time. Not seeing them does not mean that some negative entity or energy does not see you. Maybe you have attracted one or two due to your high vibration and sensitivity.

If you do not have the habit of imagining white light around you or praying, you might want to do a clearing of your energy by praying to Archangel Michael or any other higher being that you believe in. And no, Michael is not religion-exclusive.

3. Did you eat well in the day and rest well the night before?

This is really a no-brainer but sometimes a hungry stomach can wreak more havoc to a highly sensitive person’s psyche. You might find that these feelings dissipate after a good meal.

4. Are you a growing adolescent?

I am evidently well past the age of adolescent. But I remembered that when I was a teenager I was very emo towards teenage crushes, fellow schoolmates, gossip, exam stress etc. There was no lack of sources for churning emotional upheavals in my life then. Now that I am very much older and have had some life experiences, somehow these have decreased some what in quantity though not intensity.

5. Is it premonition?

I hate to say this, but sometimes these are really warnings from your intuition and if there are really no known psychological or physical causes, you might want to ask for more information to come to you via your intuition. If points 1 to 4 did not apply to you, and the feeling persists (in a steady sort 0f way), perhaps the Universe might be asking you to take notice of something and it does help to pay more attention to it, no matter how scary it feels.

I am no stranger to these overwhelming feelings. While they may end up dominating your life due to the intensity and frequency, know that they will pass over time and processing these emotions always helps as you acknowledge, bring them to awareness and do some work to let them go.

Gratitude, Lost and Found

The other day I took a cab out together with hubby as he went for work. I was holding a handphone and ez-link together in my hand which thereafter I slot both into my pocket. Anyone who has done that before can tell you it’s an almost-certain recipe for disaster, especially if you pull your phone out several times in the day. (You know, like to turn Pokestops.) Not long after on the cab, I realised my ez-link was gone.

I sat in the cab with a glum face after telling hubby the news, since he was the one who topped my card  yesterday with a full $20 that could last me several days. I tend to rarely lose things in public, so I was feeling being pretty regretful. Suddenly the thought of asking for the angels’ help came in to my mind and with a mix of desperation, hopefulness and feelings of silliness, said a prayer in my mind to find my card. Maybe they could watch over it till I get home. Maybe a miracle would happen that no one would notice a bright red ez-link sitting on the ground. Maybe the card might somehow come back to me.

It might be pure coincidence. It might a blessing from the other realm. As soon as I finished my prayer, I happened to shift around in my seat and saw something bright red on the floor of the cab! I had glanced the floor of the cab and it wasn’t there before. In any case, my feelings of gratitude were genuine and gushed over my body in waves as I looked upwards and thanked my angels.

If you are a spiritual person, you might have set up a gratitude practice, like giving thanks to the Universe at the start of the day. Well, I do it too. The problem is the routine of doing the same day after day sometimes makes me feel numb, like saying the words on autopilot. It is these events that trigger off your awareness and create the feelings that make you feel alive again. I am pretty sure down the road I will gradually lose this feeling again unless I consciously replay this event and its associated emotion in my mind. Humans are forgetful creatures.

Similarly, have you ever had a situation where you thought you were going to lose someone dear to you? In that moment, all you can do is to turn to prayer. The urgent, focused desperation for divine help and then things turned round for the better. Do you still remember the feelings after that? Gratitude might be simply too mild to describe.

What I am saying is that most things that humans do everyday – habits, routines, frustrations, problems – creates a certain numbness that slowly creeps in. The next problem that comes along when one is solved. The to-do list that seems too big to tackle with limited time and energy. While I would not wish for traumatic events on anyone, sometimes these are the very events that wake those who have been deeply asleep and far too long. Choose to be awake, or let life be your alarm clock.